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304 309 321 Plain Flat Stainless Steel Foil

2400°F / 1300°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent

Stainles foil can be used to fabricate flexible and easy to use shileds and wraps to block hot air flow, flame contact, and other thermal problems.

Consider using the dimpled version as it is easier to use than plain foil, as it flexes and can be shaped without creasing, allowing for easy fabrication of shields around hot components such as engine exhaust systems.  Used as the inner liner in some removable engine exhaust blanket sets.

304 Plain Flat Stainless Steel Foil
AB Technology Group
431 State Street, Box 1491, Ogdensburg, NY 13669
116 Albert Street - Suite 300, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3
Tel: (610) 906-3549
Fax: (610) 679-8592
Email: orders (@ Symbol) abthermal.com
All content copyright AB Technology Group
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