Main Form Products > Insulations / Felts
Rigid Mineral Wool Insulation Board - Marine Approved - High temperature heat resistant and thermal insulating
1200°F / 550°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
FlameShield™ Rigid mineral wool board is marine approved and hydrophobic.
Suitable for A-30 Steel Bulkhead, A-30 Steel Deck, A-60 Steel Bulkhead, A-60 Steel Bulkhead (restricted) and A-60 Steel Deck.
Reinforced aluminum foil facing on one side. Also available plain (no facing) or with white fiberglass cloth one side.
Flame spread Index = 0, Smoke development index = 0.
(ASTM E84 (UL 723), CAN/ULC S102)
(ASTM E84 (UL 723), CAN/ULC S102)
Thermal resistance: R-value/inch 75°F: 4.1 hr.ft2/BTU (0.72m2K/W)
Thermal conductivity: .24 (°F) at 75°F
Water absorption: <1% Weight
Suitable for steel pin or wire mesh support installation. Easily cut to size.
US Coast Guard Certificate of Approval: 164.107/16/0, 164.107/17/0, 164.109/26/0, 164.112/142/0
Transport Canada Certificate of Approval: LRTC 10-60002, LRTC 10-60001, LRTC 10-60004
Lloyds Register Certificate of Approval: SAS F090281, SAS F090280, SAS F090283