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Thermobande Equivalent Tape Wrap - for Wire, Cable and Hose Protection from high temperature, heat, flame, fire & sparks

500°F / 260°C Continuous Exposure;  2200°F / 1205°C Excursions;  3000°F / 1650°C Peak Short Term Exposure

Thermobande equivalent high temperature, heat, flame, fire and spark resistant tape/wrap is used to protect wires, cables and hoses from exposure to harsh environments.  Used when sleeves cannot be installed.  Easy to secure with clamps or tie wire.

Part Numbers:

Thermobande-25, Thermobande-51, Thermobande-76, Thermobande-102, Thermobande-127

All trade names and trademarks are property of their respective owners.
thermobande tape wrap
AB Technology Group
431 State Street, Box 1491, Ogdensburg, NY 13669
116 Albert Street - Suite 300, Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3
Tel: (610) 906-3549
Fax: (610) 679-8592
Email: orders (@ Symbol) abthermal.com
All content copyright AB Technology Group
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