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High Temperature Heat Resistant Fabrics Cloths and Fireblankets

Fiberglass Fabrics - Plain - Premium Grade
1200°F / 648°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
FlameShield™ high temperature, heat and flame resistant thermal insulating fiberglass fabric is fabricated from high quality type E fiberglass that will not burn and will withstand continuous exposure to temperatures of 1200°F / 648°C. It is used to protect equipment, wires, cables, hoses, tubing and pipes. This high temperature fabric provides thermal insulation and personnel protection.
These high temperature fabrics are often used to fabricate insulated equipment covers, welding curtains and blankets.
Plain fabrics contain no binders, and when handled will fray at the edges. The edges can be folded and sewn to improve handling and reduce fray.
Another method to improve handling of these fabrics, especially in lighter grades, is to spray the edges with a light misting of adhesive, such as acrylic or silicone based. Hairspray also works satisfactorally.
This material resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents. It is highly flexible and conformable.

Fiberglass Fabrics - Plain - Wire InsertedPremium Grade
High Temperature Heat Resistant
1200°F / 648°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
FlameShield™ high temperature, heat and flame resistant thermal insulating fiberglass fabric fabricated from high quality type E fiberglass that will not burn and will withstand continuous exposure to temperatures of 1200°F / 648°C. It is used to protect equipment, wires, cables, hoses, tubing and pipes. This high temperature fabric provides thermal insulation and personnel protection.
These high temperature fabrics are often used to fabricate insulated equipment covers, welding curtains and blankets.
This material resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents. It is highly flexible and conformable.
Wire inserted fabrics provide greater mechanical strength and also the wire helps to dissipate hot spots.

HHP31 Fiberglass Fabrics - Plain - Wire Inserted Premium Grade
High Temperature Heat Resistant
1200°F / 648°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
FlameShield™ HHP31 high temperature, heat and flame resistant thermal insulating fiberglass fabric fabricated from high quality type E fiberglass that will not burn and will withstand continuous exposure to temperatures of 1200°F / 648°C. It is used to protect equipment, wires, cables, hoses, tubing and pipes. This high temperature fabric provides thermal insulation and personnel protection.
These high temperature fabrics are often used to fabricate insulated equipment covers, welding curtains and blankets.
This material resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents. It is highly flexible and conformable.
Wire inserted fabrics provide greater mechanical strength and also the wire helps to dissipate hot spots.

FAA Fiberglass Fabrics - Plain - Wire Inserted Premium Grade
High Temperature Heat Resistant
1200°F / 648°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
FlameShield™ FAA igh temperature, heat and flame resistant thermal insulating fiberglass fabric fabricated from high quality type E fiberglass that will not burn and will withstand continuous exposure to temperatures of 1200°F / 648°C. It is used to protect equipment, wires, cables, hoses, tubing and pipes. This high temperature fabric provides thermal insulation and personnel protection.
These high temperature fabrics are often used to fabricate insulated equipment covers, welding curtains and blankets.
This material resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents. It is highly flexible and conformable.
Wire inserted fabrics provide greater mechanical strength and also the wire helps to dissipate hot spots.

Fiberglass Heat Cleaned Fabrics - Plain - Premium Grade
1200°F / 648°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
FlameShield™ high temperature, heat and flame resistant thermal insulating woven fiberglass cloth is heat treated to remove organics, set the weave dimensionally and reduce fray and loose fibers.
Used as a marine lagging fabric and in nuclear applications as a covering for insulation and board.
Designed for continuous operation at 1200°F / 648°C
Fabric is available in two weights; 8.5 oz/sq/yd (.018" thick) (Type I Class 3) and 18.0 oz/sq/yd (.032" thick) (Type I Class 9). Roll width is available as 60 inches.
This fabric is also available with a self-adhesive backing. The adhesive is acrylic based, and will burn-off or vaporize at temperatures above 400°F. If prolonged use of the self-adhesive fabric above 400°F is desired, then alternate securing methods such as fasteners, wire or clamps should be used. Personnel should avoid inhaling fumes from the PSA.

Fiberglass Heat Cleaned Fabrics - Plain - Premium Grade MIL-C-20079H Type I Class 3 and Type I Class 9
1200°F / 648°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
FlameShield™ high temperature, heat and flame resistant thermal insulating woven fiberglass cloth is heat treated to remove organics, set the weave dimensionally and reduce fray and loose fibers. Meets MIL-C-20079 (Type I Class 9 and Type I Class 3) along with US Coast Guard 164.009.
Used as a marine lagging fabric and in nuclear applications as a covering for insulation and board.
Designed for continuous operation at 1200°F / 648°C
Fabric is available in two weights; 8.5 oz/sq/yd (.018" thick) (Type I Class 3) and 18.0 oz/sq/yd (.032" thick) (Type I Class 9). Roll width is available as 60 inches.
This fabric is also available with a self-adhesive backing. The adhesive is acrylic based, and will burn-off or vaporize at temperatures above 400°F. If prolonged use of the self-adhesive fabric above 400°F is desired, then alternate securing methods such as fasteners, wire or clamps should be used. Personnel should avoid inhaling fumes from the PSA.

Basalt Rock Fiber Fabrics - Plain - Premium Grade
High Temperature Heat Resistant
1200°F / 648°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
FlameShield™ high temperature, heat and flame fire resistant rock fibre fabric will withstand temperatures of 1200°F / 648°C continuous exposure. This fabric is fabricated from processed basalt rock fibre that will not burn. .
This material resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents. It is highly flexible and conformable.
Applications for this product include welding blankets and curtains, heat shields, etc.
Available in 5 weights/thicknesses and 40" or 60" widths. Roll length 50 yards.

Fiberglass/Silica Blend Fabrics - Plain - Premium Grade
High Temperature Heat Resistant
1350°F / 732°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
ProSil™ high temperature, heat and flame resistant thermal insulating fiberglass fabric fabricated from high quality type E fiberglass / silica blend that will not burn and will withstand continuous exposure to temperatures of 1350°F / 732°C. It is used to protect equipment, wires, cables, hoses, tubing and pipes. This high temperature fabric provides thermal insulation and personnel protection.
These high temperature fabrics are often used to fabricate insulated equipment covers, welding curtains and blankets, and flexible ducts & expansion joints.
This material resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents. It is highly flexible and conformable.

S Type Fiberglass Fabric - Plain - Premium Grade
High Temperature Heat Resistant
1400°F / 760°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
FlameShield™ high temperature, heat and flame resistant thermal insulating S-fiberglass fabric fabricated from high quality type S fiberglass yarns that will not burn and will withstand continuous exposure to temperatures of 1400°F / 760°C. It is used to protect equipment, wires, cables, hoses, tubing and pipes. This high temperature fabric provides thermal insulation and personnel protection.
These high temperature fabrics are often used to fabricate insulated equipment covers, welding curtains and blankets.
This material resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents. It is highly flexible and conformable.

Fiberglass Fabric with Vermiculite Coating High Temperature Heat Resistant
heat resistant fabric
1500°F / 815°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
FlameShield™ 1500 vermiculite coated fiberglass fabric is high temperature, heat and flame resistant thermal insulating fabric that will withstand temperatures of 1500°F / 815°C continuous exposure. The base High Temperature fiberglass fabric is fabricated from high quality type E fiberglass that will not burn. The fabric is then coated with a vermiculite dispersant.
This material resists most acids and alkalis and is unaffected by most bleaches and solvents. It is highly flexible and conformable.
Applications for this product include welding blankets and curtains, heat shields, etc.
The vermiculite coating also adds abrasion resistance to the fabric.
Available in 5 weights/thicknesses and 40" or 60" widths. Roll length 50 yards.
Tested and certified to meet ASTM E 162, ASTM E 662 and SMP 800-C for surface flammability, smoke and toxic gas generation.

Silica Woven Fabric High Temerature Heat Flame Fire Weld Spatter Spark Molten Splash Resistant
1800°F / 982°C to 1900°F / 982°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
InSilMax™ XT extreme high temperature, heat and flame resistant fabric is used for equipment protection, welding curtains and blankets. Superior protection for weld spatter, molten splash, slag and sparks.
Some products meets MIL-I-24244 and MIL-C-24576(SH) specifications. FM Approved Class 4950.
This fabric has a minimum 96% silicon dioxide content, providing optimal performance. Made from amorphous silica.
The fabric is available in the following finishes and weights:
InSilMaxä XT - 30 / -54
· Satin Weave.
· 0.030" (18oz/sq-yd) and 0.054" (24oz/sq-yd) thick satin weave.
· 36" and 60" wide roll width. Maximum 150 foot roll length.
· Produced from an extremely pure silica base fiber (SiO2) and can be used at 1800°F continuously with excursions to 3000°F / 1650°C.
InSilMaxä XT - 90
· Plain Weave.
· 0.090" thick. 40oz/sq-yd
· 40" roll width. Maximum 150 foot roll length.
· Produced from an extremely pure silica base fiber (SiO2) and can be used at 1800°F continuously with excursions to 3000°F / 1650°C.
InSilMaxä XT - 65 / 90 / 115
· Plain Weave with heat treated
· 0.065" thick - 32oz / 0.090" thick - 40oz / 0.115" thick - 50oz
· 40" roll width. Maximum 150 foot roll length.
· Produced from an extremely pure silica base fiber (SiO2) and can be used at 1800°F continuously with excursions to 3000°F / 1650°C.
InSilMaxä XT VC - 65 / 90 / 115
· Plain Weave with heat treated and vermiculite coating for extra durability
· 0.065" thick - 34oz / 0.098" thick - 42oz / 0.115" thick - 55oz
· Enhanced abrasion resistance
· 40" roll width. Maximum 150 foot roll length.
· Produced from an extremely pure silica base fiber (SiO2) and can be used at 1800°F continuously with excursions to 3000°F / 1650°C.
InSilMaxä XT TI - 90
· Plain Weave heat treated with temperature indicator
· 0.090" thick. 33oz/sq-yd
· 40" roll width. Maximum 150 foot roll length.
· Produced from an extremely pure silica base fiber (SiO2) and can be used at 1800°F continuously with excursions to 3000°F / 1650°C.

Ceramic Fiber Fabric - Plain & Wire Inserted
2000°F / 1093°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
CerMax™ Premium and Industrial grade Ceramic Fiber Extreme High Temperature Fabric is an excellent replacement to asbestos. Light-weight, flexible and good handling strength.
Provides low thermal conductivity and good dielectric strength and features excellent corrosion resistance.
This material is produced from an extremely pure alumino-silicate ceramic fiber non-woven material and can be used at 2000°F continuously with excursions to 3000°F / 1650°C.
Can be layered with other materials for enhanced insulation protection.
Available in 36" roll width, with either an inconel wire or glass filament insert.

Stainless Steel and Inconel Mesh Fabric
Insulation Support Material
1832°F / 1000°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
Stainless steel and inconel mesh is typically used to support insulation batt material for the fabrication of removable insulation systems. Highly flexible conformable to allow the mesh to fit close to complex shapes or elbows and radius parts such as turbo-chargers.

Ceramic Fiber Paper - High Temperature Heat Resistant Thermal Insulating
2000°F / 1093°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
CerMax™ extreme high temperature and heat resistant ceramic fiber paper is an excellent replacement to asbestos. Light-weight, flexible and good handling strength. Provides low thermal conductivity and good dielectric strength, and features excellent corrosion resistance. Can be die-cut or stamped into shapes.
This material is produced from an extremely pure alumino-silicate ceramic fiber non-woven material and can be used at 2000°F continuously with excursions to 3000°F / 1650°C.
Can be layered with other materials for enhanced insulation protection.
Available in 1/32", 1/16", 1/8" and 1/4" thickness;
Roll widths: 1/32 & 1/16 available in 24" width.
1/16, 1/8 and 1/4 available in 48" width.
This product may have some minor edge compression due to shipping shift and handling. This is normal and unavoidable.
Technical Specifications
Density: 10 lb/cu ft
Chemical Composition: Al2O3 47%; Total Al2O3 and SiO2 > 97%’ Fe2O3 <1.0%
Tensile Strength: 25 lbs
Thermal Conductivity: 500°F: 0.38 (0.05); 1000°F: 0.61 (0.09); 1500°F: 0.94 (0.14);
BTU in/hr ft2 (w/m*k) 2000°F: 1.40 (0.20)

Alumina Fabric
2300°F / 1260°C Continuous Exposure: Higher Intermittent
Alumax™ Alumina fabric is an excellent replacement to asbestos. Light-weight, flexible and good handling strength.
Provides low thermal conductivity and good dielectric strength and features excellent corrosion resistance.
Can be layered with other materials for enhanced insulation protection.
Available in 36" roll width, with either an inconel wire or glass filament insert.